Online/Face-to-Face Spiritual Services

Welcome to Your Path of Spiritual Awakening

In our fast-paced, modern world, it’s easy to lose touch with the deeper aspects of life—those that connect us to our true essence and higher purpose. At Shiva Astro Healing Consultancy, we offer Online Spiritual Counselling Services that provide a sanctuary for you to explore your inner self and navigate the complexities of your spiritual journey.

Our services are designed for those who seek to align with their highest potential, understand their life’s purpose, and cultivate a deeper connection with the divine. Whether you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening, seeking guidance through life’s challenges, or simply desiring to deepen your spiritual practice, our counsellors are here to support you.

Our Approach to Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Counselling is not just about addressing specific problems; it’s about exploring your beliefs, values, and experiences to help you find greater meaning and purpose in life. Our counsellors utilize a blend of traditional therapeutic techniques and spiritual practices, including meditation, mindfulness, energy healing, and intuitive guidance. This holistic approach ensures that we address all aspects of your being—mind, body, and spirit.

Services Tailored to Your Needs

Every individual’s spiritual journey is unique, and so are our counselling sessions. We offer personalized guidance that aligns with your specific spiritual path and current life circumstances. Our services are available both online and face-to-face, allowing you the flexibility to choose how and when you connect with us. Whether you’re dealing with grief, seeking clarity in your life’s direction, or wanting to enhance your spiritual practices, we tailor our sessions to meet your needs.

Benefits of Spiritual Counselling

Personal Growth

Gain insights into your true self and overcome limiting beliefs that hinder your spiritual and personal development.

Enhanced Intuition

Learn to trust your inner guidance and intuition, leading to more informed decisions and a deeper connection with your spiritual self.

Emotional Healing

Address unresolved emotional issues from a spiritual perspective, leading to profound healing and transformation.

Inner Peace

Cultivate a sense of inner peace and contentment as you learn to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and grace.

Why Choose Us?

At Shiva Astro Healing Consultancy, our team of spiritual counsellors is dedicated to walking beside you on your spiritual path with compassion, empathy, and non-judgmental support. We understand that spiritual growth can be challenging, and we are here to provide the tools, insights, and encouragement you need to move forward confidently.

Whether you choose to connect with us online from the comfort of your home or meet with us in person, we ensure that each session is a safe space where you can openly explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Book Your Session Today

Begin your journey toward spiritual awakening and personal transformation with our Online Spiritual Counselling Services. Whether you’re just starting out or are well along your spiritual path, our experienced counsellors are here to support you. Reach out to us today to schedule your session and take the first step towards a more enlightened, fulfilling life.


The Spiritual Healers who does the Soul Work are called generally as “Light Workers” and their goal is in selfless empathy filled spiritual transformation of others. As we have been conditioned for so long our soul gets into disharmony with body and mind and it, the soul also needs attention. Live openly, Freely and Happily, express Honestly, Empathetically and you will begin to discover the deepest truth of life is within the depth of your own being eternally shining. Soul work can be a connection of our higher self with divinity by spiritual awakening and for some it can be a repair of bad traumatic experiences and strengthening our present life by releasing ourselves from the burden of past grievance and open to healing and consilience and by getting peace of mind. A Spiritual Soul worker leads to the purpose and fulfilment of one’s client even in difficult times and for even anyone who need Spiritual Recharging and removal of blockages. Some methods of Spiritual awakening, soil retrieval and past/ancestral life work may need supervision of a Master (expert). Spirituality is a sense of connection to something bigger/higher than ourselves, and involves a search for meaning in life or life’s purpose. If asked the question, what lifts your spirit and gives you the strength to carry on? each person may have their own unique answer.

Benefits of Working with the Higher Self.

When Your InnerSelf is connected with you Higher Spirituality You

  • Enjoy activities, achieve success in your endeavours and have more energy
  • Enjoy family and friends and will be more Thankful and Accommodating and Compassionate
  • Feel less stress and anxiety and intuitive and connected to Spirit
  • Get better sleep at night and Serenity is achieved
  • Have a better quality of life of abundance, sharing, caring and helping others.

Ways to Connect with the Higher Self

Become Aware of Your Inner Voice

Our Higher Self is always in communication with us through our intuition unless the (any or some) channels are blocked. A Spiritual Counsellor should help his/her client to listen to the inner voice and develop the listening to the heart process, which will enable the client to get connected with divine consciousness.

Switch to Healthy Diet

Eating a Healthy Diet is very much important in connecting ourselves to our Higher Self as what we eat is what we become. Always a fresh homemade food from organic and mostly vegetables is a good choice for Soul Awakening as it increases the Satvik Traits. Mostly heavy oily foods and take away proceed foods are thamasik that is they create lethargy and low energy levels where the efforts to connect to the higher self fails.

Practice Non-Judgmental Awareness

Each time when we judge or label someone, we lose our capacity to see the real truth and lose our own energy in the process of judging. Being Non-Judgmental facilitates our inner connection with the Higher Self.


Correct Meditation is a sure way to connect with our higher self as the interfering thoughts are reduced and the awareness shifts towards inner observation where the observer becomes the observed, a pure essence of soul is tasted. Each moment presents itself and one is neither too tight nor too loose, but he is balanced by and by with meditation, mindfulness and heightened consciousness, and he/she walks the middle path. Such is the wonder of witnessing, the knowing the knower. Listening to healing Ragas can uplift and heal our spirits.

Spend Time in Nature

By Spending time in nature such as walking on the beach, taking dips in sea water or holy rivers or temple ponds, walking in the forests and even hugging a tree with love can connect one to their higher self easily.

Let Go of Self-Pity

Always remove the self-pity and guilt/victim attitude as this will block our connection to the higher self as one is at lower energy level.

Signs That Your Higher Self if Trying to Connect with You

You See Specific Numbers

The Higher Self always keeps on communicating with various channels and symbolically within the nature. One way to realize with intuition that we are being signalled and communicated is with Symbols and numbers, sometimes we see unexpectedly and repetitively some numbers signify a future event or prediction. Numerology knowledge enhances our ability to know the meanings behind the numbers and their pattern, this decoding the messages of the numbers is one part of the Vedic Astrology and other omens like cat crossing our path, crows crowing or seeing some special things on our way etc. are known as ‘Shakuna Shastra’ (The Science/art of predicting symbols and omens_)

You Start to Set Healthy Boundaries and Appreciate

As and when we keep harmonizing and aligning with our higher self we lose some negative people in our lives. This is quite common as we distance ourselves from toxic and discouraging people as we climb the ladder of higher spiritual connection. In the path to Spirituality, we get new friends who are genuine and resonate with us in our spiritual thirst, this is called “SAT-SANGH” means a collective of real genuine seekers. As Buddha Said “Sangam Sharanam Gacchami”, We (Spiritual Seeker) seek refuge in the Sangha, the community of the seekers.

You Dream More Than Before

Dreams are those unfulfilled deep subconscious thoughts encountered in the daytime, and they come as dreams in the night. But we also dream of some divine communication through dream messages. We can interpret thousands of different types of dreams through Astrological knowledge and there are several books available to interpret our dreams, some dreams do often tell us intuitively and connect us to our Higher SELF.

You Part Ways with Some People

As and when we keep harmonizing and aligning with our higher self we lose some negative people in our lives. This is quite common as we distance ourselves from toxic and discouraging people as we climb the ladder of higher spiritual connection. In the path to Spirituality, we get new friends who are genuine and resonate with us in our spiritual thirst, this is called “SAT-SANGH” means a collective of real genuine seekers. As Buddha Said “Sangam Sharanam Gacchami”, We (Spiritual Seeker) seek refuge in the Sangha, the community of the seekers.

Your Manifestation Speed Up

One signal that you are connected with your higher self is you notice that many things in your life are speeding up and manifesting your goals and thoughts.

Contact us today to begin your journey toward healing and spiritual growth with Ananda Sunkanpally.